Fused pellet implants are compounded using biologically identical hormones (most often Estradiol or Testosterone). The hormones are pressed / fused into very small cylinders, a little larger than a grain of rice.
Where are the pellets implanted and what care should I take afterwards?
Pellet insertion is a relatively simple in-office procedure done under local anesthesia. The pellets are inserted subcutaneously (under the fatty lining of skin), either in the lower abdomen or the upper buttocks through a very small incision. The incision is then closed with Steri-Strips. Implants placed under the skin consistently release small, physiologic doses of hormones, which have been shown to have many benefits.
After Implantation
Vigorous activity should be avoided for 2-3 days, and activity involving the gluteus muscles should be avoided for a week. You may shower the same day as the procedure, but submerging in water (swimming or bathing in a bathtub) should be avoided for a week, or until the incision site has healed.